Monday, 3 November 2008

Our Preliminary Excercise

By doing the preliminary excercise we were able to gain valuable experiance in filming which will help us when filming and preparing for our Thriller opening. We decided as a group that it was important that we all had a chance to film and edit something from the exercise. Therefore each of us would be given the chance to gain our own individual experience and knowledge.

Overall filming went very well and according to plan. We found a good space for filming that suited our story and what we were trying to portray. The filming process was fluid and we worked well together as a group, making decisions and working together as a team. We decided to film the shots in the same sequence as they would be in the finished product and each member in the group filmed and directed one shot. We stuck to our original plan of what shots we were going to use and how we were going to film certain things ie angles. However, during filming we came up with other ideas to incorporate in the exercise, this included the shot of the hourglass running out which was not in our original storyboard. We thought that touches like this add something extra to a basic piece of film. One other thing that we changed during filming was some of the angles we had hoped to use for certain shots. This was because the space we were filming in did not allow us to do certain things. This gave us something to consider when choosing our own location for our Thriller opening.

If we were to do the exercise again we would probably try to think about everything we wanted to include and put it in our storyboard rather that adding things as we went along. I feel if we had done this it would have been more professional. I also would try to think about finding the right location before the day of filming. After watching the finished product I think that we could have made the transitions between some of the shots more fluid. I learnt a lot from doing this exercise what things we have to consider whilst planning our thriller opening. I also learnt how to use the cameras and all the other equipment including the editing suite. In addition to this it gave me a chance to try out and build upon my new knowledge of camera shots, angles and rules of filming and editing including match on action, continuity editing and 180degree Rule.


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